Thursday, May 17, 2012

Two Months Old

I can't believe my little guy is two months old! Actually tomorrow he will be but I decided to take pictures today because tomorrow morning we go for dreaded two month check up, which mean shots :( Momma is not looking forward to this. Tom thinks he going to do just fine but me, I think there will be tears, especially from me.

Cooper's second month:

  • As of this past Tuesday at our Breastfeeding group you weighed in at 10lbs 14oz, you're getting big and I can sure tell. You're filling out perfectly and love squeezing your little thighs.
  • You just started wearing size 1 diapers, the NB ones just were getting too small and most of the diaper cakes we got are size 1 so we have lots of size 1 to use, which I know we'll use them the way you poop and pee. We like Pampers but some of the diapers we got are Huggies but they'll work just fine.
  • You are finally out of your new born clothes, this makes me sad but I love that you're growing up and filling up so nicely. You are now in size 0 to 3 month and 3 month clothing, if that makes sense, but you don't mind getting dressed or anything and momma likes to dress you.
  • You still wake up crying which always breaks momma's heart, but at night I can hear you waking up so I try and get you before you actually wake up so I can feed you. But once you're up for the day and you're in momma's arms you're so happy. You love when I say "Good morning Sunshine" in my sweet mommy voice. I remember my momma saying that to me and I always loved it, well most of the time. LOL
  • You are still sleeping in our room in your bassinet, you seem to sleep really good as long as I swaddle you up good, if I have a bad swaddle your arms get loose and that seems to wake you up.
  • You don't have much of a schedule but we're working on it. We are trying to get you all ready for bed by 8:00 and our goal is to have you in bed around 8:30 maybe earlier once we start daycare. But you wake up usually sometime between 4:00 and 5:30am to eat, sometimes its earlier, but I will feed you and put you back in bed once you fall asleep, this is my time on catching up with Words With Friends while feeding you. You will wake up again about 2 hours later to eat and usually this is when daddy gets home, so he sees you in bed with me and thinks you've been there all night but that's not true. Usually the 2nd time you get up you do stay in bed with me and once you wake up it's usually after 8:00 or so.
  • You take pretty good naps but sometimes it seems you like to fight them, you'd rather be lifting your head or pushing up on your feet, you're getting so strong. But when you do nap it's usually around 10:00 in the morning and this is usually an hour sometime an hour and a half, I get a nap here too, this is still our cuddling time. Then you'll be alert and awake for a good couple of hours then we'll eat and you'll take another nap around noon, this is if we're home, we like to go out and about around this time but you'll nap in your car seat. Then we usually get one more good nap out of you around 3:00 or so. I just love holding you and putting you to sleep, it's so amazing just watching you and wondering what you're thinking about.
  • You are still breastfeed exclusively and momma is so happy about this. When you do take a bottle you drink it right down so there is no confusion on how to get your food. There has only been a handleful of people that has fed you and this is what they say every time "wow he was hungry" yes you seem to be hungry all the time.
  • Bath time is getting much better. We've been giving you a bath every other day which seems to work. Sometimes you don't know what's going on you just give me this look like "mom what are you doing" and "what is this water stuff you keep pouring over me?" I think he's really going to love the swimming pool this summer! 
  • You finally don't mind getting your diaper changed, most of the time. The first one in the morning is my favorite because you look so happy to get that wet diaper off and you make funny faces and start smiling and cooing, it sure melts mommy's heart.
  • You love the car, as long as it's moving. If you're really hungry and/or tired then it's not so good but for the most part you just go with the flow and are always checking things out. You have a nice big sunroof in my car so I think this helps.
  • I finally got the Lullaby CD on my IPod and you seem to love it, we'll sit in your room and listen to it while you're eating, this is before bed time that is. The CD is beautiful and I think one day you'll grow up knowing all these songs. My favorite is The I L.O.V.E. Y.O.U. LULLABY song. 
  • You are really starting to smile and coo, I love hearing you talk to me. Daddy and Micayla can really get you to smile, they do funny things with there tongues and it makes you smile. 
  • Everyone who sees you just falls in love with you and they all just want to hold you and snuggle. 
  • You like your pacifier but you don't fall asleep with it, except for naps. You seem to nap better when you have this in your mouth, it usually falls out then you'll wake up and I'll stick it back in and back to sleep you'll go. These things are a life saver that's all I can say!
  • In the mornings after I change you it never fails that I have to go to the bathroom so I'll put you in your crib and you'll play int here for a good 15 minutes, this give mommy time to get a few things done around the house like eat breakfast, otherwise I don't get a chance to eat. But you love your crib. I sure hope you like it when you start sleeping in there, but that will be a while yet, I'm not ready for you to move out (of our room). Especially since daddy works 3rd, this is our time and I want you right next to me!
Cooper all I can say is I LOVE YOU! I still sometimes have to pinch myself because it just sometimes doesn't seem real. You are my sweetheart and I love you so much, you bring such joy to this house and we all love watching you and playing with you.

Here are just a few more random pictures that I don't think I've posted on here yet, they were all taken this week.

Here Micayla is playing with him and trying to get him to laugh. He loves his big sister!

And just a few more from his 1st month of life!

Daddy and Cooper in there Cubs gear! Go Cubbies!!

My co-worker Cyndi gave him a foh-hawk, not sure how to spell it, but see his hair spiked! LOL

Sleeping baby, so sweet!

We were out enjoying the sun the other day!

My happy boy!

Look at that double chin! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2nd month Cooper! You are just too precious! I love all your sweet smiles! I can't wait to get to snuggle with you! Don't grow up too much before then.....just one more month!!!!!
