Saturday, January 30, 2010

New hangings

So the day started out with Jazzercise. I met mom at Jazzercise and after class, we went to breakfast with Jolene, the instructor, and my friend Linda. We went to Chuck and Jo's. It was very good! When I got home, Tom was cooking a chicken to make chicken noodle soup. The house smelt wonderful.

Tom's mom called and said they are on their way out to pick us up to go pick up our new "banister". If no one knows what that is, don't worry, I didn't at first either, but it's a hand rail coming up our steps. This is something that both our parents complained to us about since we got the house, so now we have one, thanks to Tom's parents, they bought him this for his birthday! While out at Lowe's, Linda saw that they had cornices on clearance, so for my birthday, she bought them for me, which isn't for a couple of weeks, but it's OK! So the rest of the night, we worked on hanging everything. First, we had to stain the banister. Tom's dad did that for us.

Right now and while we were hanging our cornices, I turned on Mama Mia! The boys don't really appreciate it. I think it's good. But I love musicals, so here we are just me, Tom and his dad watching Mama Mia and I'm blogging! I love it. Tom's mom left when she took Micayla to work. She has to work 7 to 1 tonight at the bowling alley.

Well, I have not heard from McGraw-Hill yet, but I'm hoping to hear something on Monday, if not, I might have to give her a call. I did email the lady down there that gave me a good reference and she is going to talk to the lady who interviewed me again, so hopefully that will help. Keep your fingers crossed. Tom did not receive a failure letter from Deere's, so that's awesome too! Now we are waiting for a call from them to interview him.

I'm drinking a bottle of wine and finally starting to relax. Here's a few pics of our new hangings! Let me know what you think. The all white is going to have to grow on me, but I think I'm going to like them.

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