What a relaxing weekend we had. Friday night, Tom and I had the night to ourselves.. actually, we had the whole weekend to ourselves and it was suppose to be our weekend. Friday night Tom and I went out for dinner to Yen Chings, Chinese, it was delicious. After that, we went to Nikki and Chucks house so Tom could work on her computer. Somehow, they keep getting viruses. I don't know what they do, but this is the second time now. This time Tom had to take the computer to our house to get it fixed. He is good with that kind of stuff. In trade of fixing the computer, I sent my mirror, that's breaking, to Chuck to fix. Nikki called today and said it was fixed, so it was a pretty fair trade. Now, we just have to pick it up and take the computer tower back to them. My back wall look pretty bare without anything in it.
Saturday, I taught Jazzercise at 8:45 for one of our instructors who is sick. It was such a fun class. Shelly, was so upset she couldn't make it. I had 22 peeps.. I guess it's a competition on Saturday mornings between the 7:30 class and the 8:45 class. Brenda had 20 and I had 22. Shelly called me and thanked me. I really enjoyed it. It always nice to do other classes, because there is so much energy with new or different customers. Don't get me wrong, I love my 5:45am class, they are awesome too, but when you do a different class, theirs just a different vibe going. I can't even explain it. But I have 3 new ones in for tomorrow.
After Jazzercise, we drove up to Edgewood to get our deer meat. Yummy! Later that night, we decided to cook some steaks and just stay in. We had a wonderful beer, drank some Bogel wine and watched Twilight!
Today, Sunday, we cleaned all day and just lounged around. We had Tom's parents and grandparents up for supper. We, or I should say Tom, made lasagna. It was awesome! Now we are sitting her watching the Vikings and Saints..
Oh, one more thing before I go. I started charting my temperature.. Wow, I have a crazy chart going... LOL on Tuesday, I go to the Gyno for my yearly, so the doc and I are going to have a little talk! Also, I started going to the Chiropractor, the one that Erica went to, to help her get pregnant.. or to get her all "lined" up as what Erica said. I hope it will help, I'm not getting any younger. Tom went too, but to help him have less back and foot pains hopefully.
Another long week with lots of things coming up. Hopefully a couple of interviews coming up.. I will keep you posted!