My little devil
It's so hard for me to say I have a ONE year old!! Maybe that's the reason I just can't get myself to post this..after looking back, it's hard to believe how long I've waited for this and now it's already been a year!
Anyway, here are a few things I want to remember about Cooper 12 months of life!
- You are still wearing size 3 Pampers
- You are wearing size 12 month clothes, shirts mostly. Pants are still a little too big, you'll walk around the house with your puppy and your pants will slowly fall off, it's so funny!
- You only take one nap at daycare, but on the weekends and when you're home with me, I usually get two out of you. You'll have one good nap, usually 1 1/2 hour or so.
- You LOVE to eat! I can't think of anything you don't like.
- You're a talking machine!! I have no idea what you are saying but I try and talk back to as much as possible.
- He hates to get his diaper changed, I am so ready to start potty training!! Not really...
- You are not a fan of getting your picture taken anymore, I have to bribe you or just catch you off guard.
- You are cruising around, while holding onto things, but you just don't want to let go. You love it when we 'walk' with you.
- You give the sweetest kisses, not all the time, just when you're in the mood.
- When I pick you up, when you want to be held, you'll throw your arms up and when I grab you, you'll wrap your arms around me and say "ahhh" like you're so excited!! You even pat my back sometimes, just like I do to you.
- You LOVE bath time and you love to help me get everything ready. You'll throw everything on the floor or in the tub, you don't like things sitting on the edge.
- You also have a problem with open doors, you'd rather have all the doors in the house closed, which is OK, but then you want it back open so you can close it again.
- You still only have 2 teeth!
- You love your pacifier, you will find this and 'run' for it. I really want to break you of it, but for now I'm fine with it.
- We go to baby signs class once a month and I think you're catching on, but we need to practice more. You can sign "all done" really good and we're working on the rest.
- Your favorite toys are anything that's in the cabinet. You love my stacking bowls and you are so smart, you know how to stack them. You'll do this for quite a while or until something else appealing catches your eye.
- Most nights you sleep all night, but sometimes you just get fussy and wake up and want momma to come in and cuddle with you. I'm OK with this once in a while (please don't make this a habit) normally you just want your pacifier back then you're good to go.
- We are still breastfeeding! You are really not that into it anymore but I'm just not quite ready to give it up completely. You only drink before bedtime and sometimes in the mornings. I'm ready to give that one up because you are really not interested, you'd rather have some good breakfast, usually whatever daddy is making.
- Speaking of food, daddy loves that you are eating everything that he does, he's even given you spicy food and you don't seem to mind but I make sure it's only a little bit and that it's not too spicy.
- You love to go shopping! I don't think you've ever fussed. You love looking around and watching people!
- The latest thing you've started doing is after you take a drink, you'll go "ahhh" as if it tasted so good and so refreshing. LOL
- You will wave "bye bye" and you're starting to wave when we say "hi" and you're starting to nod your head "no" I see this alot at daycare, I don't think we'll be able to stop this one!
- You go to bed usually between 8 and 8:30, sometimes earlier, depending on the day of the week, usually Monday's are an early night to bed.
- You don't mind getting dropped off at daycare anymore because you know when you get there, Mrs. Angie takes you down to get breakfast, even though you've just eaten at home. It's so funny watching you.
Cooper, you just light up my life, your daddy's too, and your brother and sisters, they love you to death! And you love them to death too. I keep saying this but I can't believe you're ONE!! Next on our agenda is to make you a big brother, say some prayers OK and remember I love you to the moon and back! You are my angel and always will be!
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