Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Tonight I met a group of friends or former co-workers at Applebee's for dinner. I got an email from my friend, Linda, asking if I got asked to go, but I didn't know anything about it, so she asked if I wanted to go. I told her I didn't think so, I was going to stay home and relax, well about 4:00 I got another call from my friend, Jody, asking me the same thing, so I caved in and said I will go. Well, before all that, I left work early to go pick up patches from Urban Hound, she got a bath, and it needed, she was getting pretty skanky, LOL. I picked her up and the lady who owns it is Bob Johanningmeir's sister, he's my uncle, anyway, she said while patches was there, the inspector came, needed a stool sample from all the dogs there so patches did her thing and her she's got worms! Tapeworm, I guess. It looked like rice in her poop and they say that's tapeworm, so I got to take patches poop home with me, nice huh. Sorry Micayla, I had your car. I didn't trust patches in my car with the leather seats. I was afraid she would poke a hole or something, so off I went, called the vet to see what they can give me, but first I had to stop at the Chiropractor for my month visit. Patches stayed in the car and waited for me. She was so good, one of the kids in the waiting room wanted to go out and play with her. So, I went up to the vet and got some medication for her to take, unfortunately they didn't look like treats so I had to bribe her to eat them with peanut butter, she love's PB. I got all 5 pills down now we just have to wait one month and take her back to make sure they are gone. How does a dog get worms, or anyone for the matter? I guess instead of blogging I should Google it. Oh maybe later. I was telling mom and she said "human's can get worms too" come on mom, I'm not checking my poop! LOL

We met at Applebee's about 6:00, there was about 11 of us, we all used to work in customer/technical service and everyone there was done working and most of us all got new and better jobs, but it's so fun talking about the good ole' days. I wish Tom would have been able to join us but he's on 2nd, but we already talked about doing this monthly since no one hardly see's anyone anymore, so next time he will be able to join us. We are planning on the 1st Wednesday of each month, at least that's the plan! I had a Chicken Fajita wrap, or something like that and it was very good. I was really hungry for fries and they satisfied my craving that's forsure. Applebee's was fined for serving under age people so they lost there liquor license for 30 days so we didn't get to have a drink, but that was alright, I was happy with water.

The kids just got home, Brandon was with his friend Tyler and Micayla was with her friend Rachel. Next Tuesday, Micayla will have her license! We finally picked out her senior pictures, now we are just waiting for her mom to pick out what she wants so we can put in one big order. They turned out so good, it was hard to pick out our favorites.

Last night I went to yoga and Kristi came with me. I slept so good, I didn't even hear Tom come home last night. He said I mumbled something but that was it. Yoga relaxes me so much, I love it.

Well, I've got to get up for Jazzercise in the morning.

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