Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Nine Months Old!

How has 9 months gone by already?? I swear this has been the best 9 months of my life. Cooper has lights up my life every day!

A few things I want to remember about Cooper's 9 months of life are:
  • You are still wearing size 3 Pampers. We moved you to the cruisers and you seem to like them.
  • You are still wearing size 9 to 12 month clothes. We are no longer buying you 9 month! You're slowly growing into your 12 month, holy cow!
  • You love to eat! We haven't found anything that you haven't liked. We love that! We are feeding you 3 times a day plus you are still breastfeeding.
  • That's right, still no formula. I am starting to struggle with this but I'm still hanging in there. 
  • Still no teeth! I know they are coming, we keep checking every day. You have some rosy cheeks lately so I know they'll be here soon.
  • You are a crawling machine. The big question around the house is "where's Cooper?" He is exploring the entire house. 
  • You pull yourself up onto everything! Even though we have the house child proof, you still seem to find things you shouldn't get in to, such as cords. You love pulling on cords!

  • You love your baths. I can't wait for Christmas, I think Santa is bringing you something to play with in the bath tub. You don't mind water on your face at all. You like to watch the water fall off your face, it's so funny.
  • You've moved up into the transitional room at Daycare. Everyone just loves you and you don't seem to mind one bit. With you moving up, you seem to be catching on to things a lot quicker. 
  • You are talking so much now. You are finally saying mama, we are working on dada and KK. You say baba all the time, we are thinking that's Brandon. LOL at least that's what he says. He just loves to mumble and talk all to himself.
  • You hate getting your diaper changed. This is such a challenge every day, even changing your cloths, this has to be done on the floor once I get your diaper on. You just roll over and buck at me. You have to have something to occupy yourself, then it's a little bit easier.
  • You still have crazy hair! It's always flying away. The back drives me nuts but you don't seem to mind. You love when I comb your hair, it instantly calms you and you just sit still until I'm done.

  • You are always so happy! When I take pictures or talk about you being crabby, they can't believe it because you hardly ever fuss.
  • You still like to be rocked to sleep. I need to start breaking this habit, but I just love watching you sleep.
  • You've been sleeping all through the night, sometimes I wake up just looking to see the time because I usually know you're going to wake up, but lately you just sleep all night long. You will fuss a couple of times but I've let you fuss it out, you don't get up or anything so it's all good. You just lay your head down and go back to sleep. Momma loves this!
  • You still go crazy when you see your brother and sister. They walk in and your face lights up instantly. I just adore this because I know you are so spoiled by them.
  • You are getting excited for Christmas, I can just tell! You love playing with bows and I know you're going to love ripping off the wrapping player to see what you got for Christmas.

Cooper there is never a dull moment in this household, you definitely keep us on our toes and we love everything about you. You are so funny and make some crazy faces and sounds. Everyday it seems to be something different. You just light up our life!

I had to take a few pictures in your new shirt and hat. Thanks to Aunt Steph and Uncle Hendu! They sure spoil you!

My little reindeer!

Pictures are harder and harder to get. You just don't want to sit still for momma. So we get what we can so don't mind the blurry ones! LOL

Tomorrow is your 9 month check up so I'll post his stats then.

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