Monday, December 17, 2012

Cooper's buddies!

Saturday morning, around 10am, we welcomed to our house all of Cooper's buddies. These are people we've met while I was on maternity leave. Every Tuesday, the Finley Hospital offered a breastfeeding support group and we looked forward to seeing all these babies and each other. Who would have thought we'd all stay connected and all get together and become friends. All the babies were within a couple of months in age.

From left (oldest) to right (youngest): Elliot, Oliver, David (he's sleeping) Cooper, Charles and Greenlee (the only girl) they are all so darn cute and I think this was the hardest picture we had to take. All the babies are on the move!

Elliot's trying to get away.

Greenlee and Charles are getting pretty close!
 It was a perfect day. We made some sandwiches had chips and dip, a veggie tray and the others each brought a little something. It was great getting everyone together. The last time we all got together, I was out of town, so the was Cooper's first time. He had a blast sharing all of his toys, he really didn't know what to think. He's going to have lots of buddies growing up. I think this is something we'll keep doing for quite a while.

And just a few random pictures of the gang.

I loved having all these babies in the house and I can't wait to see them all again. Next time, they'll all be walking!

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