How is it my little man is 10 months old?? He's no longer in single digits, it's all down hill from here. Just kidding!!
Here are a few things I want to remember about your 10 months of life.
- You are still wearing size 3 Pampers Cruisers.
- You're still in 9 month clothing, 12 month is just a little big yet and there are no in-between.
- You celebrated your first Thanksgiving and Christmas. You had so much fun at Christmas and you loved all your presents. Santa was sure good to you!
- I can finally say you have teeth! We waiting for a long time for these but that's OK. You have one that popped out about a week ago, the bottom right and the bottom left is right behind it, that will be up in the next couple of days.
- You experienced your first sickness and mommy had to take you to the doctor :( You were sick, throwing up sick, for 3 1/2 days, it wasn't fun. And you gave whatever you had to mommy. You were tested for influenza and strep, both came back negative so Dr. Adkins said it was just a bug. The next day you were feeling much better. You stayed home from daycare all week to make sure you didn't pass it to any other kiddos.
- You love bath time!! Santa brought you some bath toys and you could sit in there all day and just play.
- You hate getting your diaper changed, not that you hate it, you just don't like to lie still. It's very challenging trying to get your diaper changed. I'm getting pretty good and quick at it.
- You are a talking machine! You are saying mamamama and dadadadada. Micayla is trying to get you to say kaykay and Brandon is trying to get you to say bubbabubba. You just laugh at them, it's so darn cute.
- Brandon and Micayla are two of your favorite people. You smile so big when they come home or up the steps, it's so cute! You love to grab Micayla's glasses and Brandon's hats!
- You have moved up to the big kids room at daycare. You are now in Wipper Snapper Way, that's the name of the room. LOL is the transitional room. So you are one of the youngest. I think 2 more younger ones joined you this past week so you can show them the ropes.
- At daycare, you sometimes take 2 naps. I prefer you take 2 naps but sometimes they only put you down for one. You are sleeping on a cot in this room and sometimes when I come to feed you, you are sleeping and you look like such a big boy sleeping on a cot.
- This month you've been crying when I drop you off at daycare, this makes me sad but I've been told it doesn't last for long.
- You are still exclusively breastfed. I've said this that last couple of month, but this month has been the hardest for me. I'm pumping twice at work and I'm only getting 1 bottle about 5 sometimes 6 ounces. So with me only pumping one bottle, that means you're only getting one bottle at daycare. But I'm trying something new starting today, I'm drinking some 'mother's tea' I'm hoping it helps, but boy it's awful! I'm not a tea drinking but I thought I'd give it a try just for you.
- You are also eating table food and just about everything we eat. At daycare you are eating the lunch they provide, such as Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, chicken alfredo and peas, that's just to name a few this week. There isn't much you don't like. You don't care for your puffs anymore, I think it's because you now know there are better snacks out there, such as Cheerios. I think they are your new favorite snacks.
- You are a pretty good napper and you sleep great at night. Most nights you sleep all night long and don't even wake up for your pacifier. I love you for this!!
- Your pacifier is usually not too far out of your reach. You will find one and just stick it right in your mouth. I only like you to have it while sleeping but I figure since you're teething it probably feels good on your gums so I let you go with it.
- You love your new chair you got for Christmas!
- You are outgrowing your car seat. We are going car seat shopping in the next couple of days. I think you'll be more comfortable in a bigger seat plus you are getting too heavy to carry around.
- You are crawling so fast now and you move around the house just looking for something to get in to. You love playing with doors, you will go into the bathroom and just swing the door back and forth, when you finally close it, with the lights out and all, you'll just sit there until someone comes to find you. We usually know where you are.
- You love sucking in your bottom lip, it's so funny. We'll say "let me see your teeth" and you'll suck your lips in so we can't see. You're such a little twirp!
- You love your daddy, but he'll say it's only when I'm around, but I know you love him and you love to snuggle.
- Look at all those toys! You are one spoiled little boy.
- Your favorite toys lately are your farm house, you love the noises it make. You love your puppy that you can walk behind and you love your bike, see below.
- And lastly you love playing in the pots and pans cabinet. You can play in there for hours, well not really, at least 20 minutes or so.
And just a few more randoms one for the day. Your 10 month birthday was yesterday and you fell asleep too early so we got up early today to get them in. Not early by my choice!
We were trying to get you to put 10 fingers out to tell how many months you are. You were looking at daddy like he was crazy.
Oh and a few more with your cloths on. You are playing with my chapstick, a new favorite.
And once we got home from grocery shopping you crawled over to help daddy put the groceries into the fridge. You're such a big help.
Then it was supper time. You've actually already ate your carrots and I finished it off with a cracker but you were full. We are getting some sign language down. When we say "all done" you wave your one arm. I think that's what you mean when you do that. When we say "more" and "eat" you look at us and laugh. I know they are working on this with you at school so I think you'll be picking it up in no time.
Cooper you are at such a fun age right now. I could just sit and play with you all day long. You are finally starting to give kisses too and my heart melts every time. I will say "give me a kiss" and you lean in with your mouth wide open and touch my cheek or wherever you land. It's so darn sweet!! I can't believe I am thinking about planning your 1st birthday party, it will be here before we know it! I love you more than you can ever imagine and I can't wait to see what the next month brings!
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