The first sign of spring has finally arrived. These flower are taken right outside the front of our house. The weather has been so nice. I have been able to go walk at lunch and it feels so good to go out and get fresh air.
Aren't they just so pretty? I love this time of year when you begin to see the spring flowers and trees and all the trees starting to bud.
This week was a good week, it went really fast, I can't believe it's already Thursday night. Tonight, we took Micayla and Brandon out shopping. Micayla needed some new clothes, so we went out to Kohl's and Brandon needed new shoes for baseball, so him and Tom went to MC Sports. I ended up buying a spring coat for myself. I'm sick of wearing black so I brought a nice green coat. I love it!
Tuesday night, we all went to the Three mile house for Tom's dad's birthday. He turned 61! I had steak and Tom had the seafood platter. It funny, how much they have cut back. The salad was twice as small and the hashbrowns, well, they were on a much. smaller plate so of course, their wasn't many hashbrowns, but everything was very good, especially the steak. I had a tenderloin.
Last night, Wednesday, was out last volleyball game. I'm glad its over, but it's always fun playing with the girls.
Oh and this week was my ovulation week. I finally seem a smiley face! I was so excited, so now we just have to wait and see. I'm not going to explain what Tom and I did all week, but I'm sure you can just imagine. LOL Hopefully everything went good and next week I go in for more blood work, since I now have to go to a different doctor, they want to talk about things and test some levels of something, but I have no idea what all the terminology is and what it means. But I'm so excited the clomid worked. At least I think it did. I felt crampy yesterday, so I'm taking that was me ovulating. It's not something I have felt before so it was weird. Oh well..
Tom only has one more week of work and it's a short one, because they have Good Friday off, so his last day is the 1st of April, Brandon's birthday, he is getting really excited, I think, about starting his new career. I heard today at TFS, it's getting really quiet. I guess tomorrow is another round of layoffs, so in CS, there will only be 2 people left. Then in 2 weeks, the rest but a few people will be gone. I'm so excited for Tom.
I don't think we could have asked for 2 better jobs. Me - McGraw-Hill and Tom - John Deere. What more can we ask.. just a baby! And we're working on it.
This weekend we have a few things going on, so maybe I will just wait to blog about it once it happens.
One other thing, Justin passed his driver's permit test today, finally. Micayla has been trying for the last 2 days, she's going to go again tomorrow. We keep telling her, just keep going. We're just excited it doesn't cost us anything to take the test, just $6 once she passes!
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